Worship at St. Clement's
Worship with St. Clement's Lift up your hearts!
Worship in The Episcopal Church follows The Book of Common Prayer.
Worship in The Episcopal Church follows The Book of Common Prayer.
NOTE: For up-to-date information, visit our home page. Also, the service pictured above took place pre-covid.
Sunday Services
Arcadia Retirement Residence
Occasionally, due to clergy availability or chapel availability, the service changes date or location. Contact the the parish office for more information at (808) 955-7745. Baptisms, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Faith One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; One God and Father of us all. Baptism and Confirmation are part of our worship life, and we offer preparatory formation for these important sacraments. If you would like more information about celebrating important movements in your faith journey, please contact the clergy to discuss formation and preparation. For more information about these four rites, and to see which one may apply to you, click here. Weddings, Civil Unions, and Premarital Counseling Dearly Beloved . . . . Holy Matrimony and the Blessing of Civil Unions (inclusive of same-sex partners) are part of the ways we celebrate the lives and relationships of our parish family. Consultation with a priest should be a priority in the earliest stages of planning one's wedding, in order to best prepare for this important occasion. Premarital counseling is expected for weddings conducted by Episcopal clergy, which will be discussed in early consultations with the officiating minister. Those being married off island who are in need of premarital counseling are welcome to contact our clergy to inquire about availability. Policies and planning resources will be posted here soon. Check back, or inquire at the parish office for our most recent policies and fees. Funerals: The Celebration of Life I am Resurrection and I am Life says the Lord . . . . Policies and planning resources will be posted here. Check back, or inquire at the parish office for our most recent policies and fees. Click here for our Funeral Planning Guide (with recommended hymns and scripture passages). |
Teenagers are invited to participate in our acolyte program, helping lead the congregation in worship with Crucifers (those who carry the processional crosses), Gospellers (those who carry the Gospel book in procession), and Torch Bearers (those who carry the candles in procession). Teens interested in serving in this ministry are trained by senior acolytes and the acolyte coordinator. For more information, contact the Family Ministries Team. Altar Guild Altar Guild duty is open to both men and women who would like to prepare the church for services. A member works one Saturday and one Sunday a month at whichever Sunday service he or she prefers to attend. The required training is joyfully provided. Members work in teams of two. Special duties include flower arranging (once a month, pick up the flowers from the florist, bring them to church and arrange them; also clean up the previous week’s flowers) and laundry (washing and ironing the altar and communion linens about once a month). Training for special duties is also provided. This is truly a quiet service ministry that supports our common worship. Choir Choir rehearsals are Thursday evenings, 6:00-7:00pm and 8:30am on Sunday mornings to practice the hymns and anthem to be sung at the 9:30am Sunday service on every other Sunday. New members are always welcome. Email [email protected] or call our office at (808)955-7745 if you're interested in joining our choir - we will put you in contact with the choir director. Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors At each Sunday service and at other special services, Lectors read the Old Testament lesson or other assigned readings. Similarly, Lay Eucharist Ministers read the Psalm, the New Testament lesson, and the Prayers of the People. They also administer the chalice (and the bread if requested by the Celebrant). In the absence of acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers light and extinguish the candles. Eucharistic Visitors Eucharistic Visitors ("EV's") are selected for the gifts for ministry in sharing communion (bread and wine consecrated at Eucharist) with those who are shut-in or hospitalized. EV's are selected and trained by the Rector. Greeters & Ushers Greeters helps welcome our first time visitors, and are available to answer your questions about our worship service or finding your way around campus. Mainly, they seek to offer you a taste of aloha and welcome, and remind all of us that Christ is often found in strangers. Ushers: At both Sunday services and at all special services, ushers greet worshipers as they enter the building. Ushers also prepare the church for service, collect the offering, and straighten up after the service. Healing Ministry The parish has a public service of healing on Wednesdays at 9 AM. Those with a gift for healing may be invited to assist the ministers with the laying of hands and anointing with oil at these services that are a ministry of prayer for healing and wholeness. |