Faith Formation
& Christian Education
Sunday School and nursery options are offered for our children and youth beginning at 10:00am. Participants join the worship service for communion at approximately 11:00am. Ushers and greeters will be happy to assist you in locating the nursery or classrooms for your family.
In addition to providing our Sunday School program, the family ministries team plans events for families with children, youth, and their families:
Adult Faith Formation
New Members, Baptism, Confirmation, Reaffirmation & Reception
Courses for new members, and preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception are available periodically. Baptism is initiation into the Christian Faith, Confirmation is a mature commitment to Christ and to the vows made on one’s behalf at his/her baptism. There is no set age for confirmation, but it is determined by each individual as they feel led by the Holy Spirit. Reaffirmation provides an opportunity for those who have been confirmed to recognize moments of grace and growth in their spiritual life by renewing their commitment to their baptismal vows. Reception is the service in which we formally recognize those who have been baptized in other Christian churches, welcoming them into the Episcopal household of faith. Classes are offered periodically to prepare individuals seeking confirmation, reaffirmation, or reception. For more information, contact the parish clergy. Speaker Series
St. Clement's has hosted many notable speakers, offering lectures approximately every 18 months. Past speakers have included Peter Gomes, Phylis Tickle, Dennis Maynard, Michael Russell, and Marcus Borg, Diana Butler Bass, and Jane Redmont. Stewardship
The Stewardship committee develops a program for helping form members of the parish with regards to the ways they support to total life and ministry of the church. This includes ways they contribute the "Three T's": Time, Talent, and Treasure. The Tract Rack
Located on walls near the entrance of the church, we have racks with tracts on various topics, such as Episcopal traditions and beliefs, ways to pray, daily devotion booklets, and spiritual disciplines (practices). |